Downtown Dallas, Inc. Holds Annual Meeting


Downtown Dallas, Inc. (DDI) held another successful Annual Meeting presented by East Quarter on January 31st at the Omni Dallas Hotel that featured an update on the big wins for Downtown in 2018 and laid out DDI’s vision for the new year. “We’re entering this new year with so much optimism. Our team’s focus is on hard work, evolving strategies, and action. We’re challenging ourselves to be forward thinking, creative, and nimble – all to make a difference that you’ll see on the streets every day,” said DDI President and CEO Kourtny Garrett.

The crowd of 1,000 elected officials, stakeholders, and more heard about recently and soon-to-be completed developments changing the face of Downtown and got an update on DDI’s bold initiatives like the continuation in 2019 of our early morning outreach engaging the homeless population to assist in identifying appropriate services and programs. Todd Interests also revealed plans for the East Quarter of Downtown in development now that will include creative office space and restaurants with a concept from Nick Benavides. View the video here:

DDI’s Board of Governors and Board of Directors for 2019 was voted on and approved, and Dr. Tim Moonen with The Business of Cities presented his keynote address Dallas and its Downtown, A Global View. Dr. Moonen said of the city center, “This means cities must do more than have a good business climate. They also need to foster eco-systems, cluster specialization, and develop an all-round business reputation and brand. Downtowns are fundamental to this.”

Dr. Moonen also highlighted high-speed rail and the decision to locate the Dallas-Fort Worth station Downtown as a real game changer for the continued growth and success of the Downtown core. He also suggested vigorous investment in branding and telling the story of Downtown’s victories and potential, which DDI is in the process of doing through a robust economic development campaign we plan to roll out soon.

2018 Annual Report:

2018 Infographic:

Presenting Sponsor – East Quarter

Pinnacle Sponsors:  Encore Event Technologies, Headington Companies/The Joule, Merriman Anderson Architects, Omni Dallas Hotel

Urban Legend Sponsors: 400 Record/City Electric Supply, A.H. Belo Corporation, AT&T, Atmos Energy Corporation, Corgan, D CEO, Hoque Global, Hunt Consolidated/Reunion Tower, Jacobs, LDWW Group, Oncor, Outfront Media, Page, Stantec, Stream Realty Partners, The Statler, Trammell Crow Center/Crescent Ross Investors LLC

Urban Champion Sponsors: please see